Introducing the "Money & Marriage" program!
Our wedding ceremony setup.
I am so excited to be formally introducing my new Money & Marriage program!
In my work with early career professionals, one of the most intriguing and often-heartwrenching topics we discuss is that of bringing a significant other into your financial life and deciding if, how, and when to merge finances with each other.
Thus, the "Money & Marriage" program was born.
“Money & Marriage” is a program designed with specifically you and your partner in mind. Couples meet with me over the course of six months to discuss and learn everything personal finance-related that comes with merging your life with someone else. Throughout the program, you will discuss how you can save for your life goals together (yes, including the wedding!), understand your options for combining finances (or not) and what that may mean - especially if the two of you are coming in on uneven financial footing, and understand what estate planning, insurance, and logistics changes you should consider as you get (or choose not to get) married.
When I got married, I realized that there’s a whole other element of financial planning that’s often overlooked - merging your financial life with another’s! I went through the wedding planning process around the same time that I was starting Momentum (very fun, very crazy times). So I’ve been there! It’s fun, it’s hectic, it’s crazy, and it’s very exciting.
It’s fun, it’s hectic, it’s crazy, and it’s very exciting.
I really want couples to start out with a similar financial understanding and to feel like they are know where each other stands about money to start your #marriedlife together. Because even though wedding planning can be a crazy and all-consuming time, money is something so worth putting a lot of careful time and effort into because while it could hurt your marriage in some ways, being on the same page about what we will cover in this program can really help form such a strong foundation for the two of you to learn and grow together throughout your marriage.
If you’re here, it most likely means that you have a partner and are excited to learn about all the impacts of marriage on money (there are quite a few!), including just getting on the same page with each other. I can help - that’s why I’m here!
For Engaged Couples
Congratulations! You’re about to embark on an exciting adventure together! Wedding planning can be so stressful (believe me, I know, and we’ll talk about it) and often complicated by money matters. It often can be the first time you’re really diving into one another’s finances and learning so much about the person you love. I commend you for wanting to think about #money with each other. This program will guide you to have many of these money conversations with each other, demonstrate your options for combining your day-to-day finances and pre-marriage assets, and share many commonly-overlooked aspects of your financial lives you should consider changing and optimizing after you’re married. You’re only #fiances once before you become #husbandandwife (or or or all the other combos), so take this time to enjoy the #premarital part and learn!
For Newlyweds and Millennial Couples
I’m so excited you’re here! Whether you’re newlyweds or you’ve been married for awhile or not planning to get married at all but just as committed, there are so many money-related changes that come with marriage to be aware of - let alone letting someone else into what’s typically one of the most private pieces of someone’s life (even more than sex!). I commend you for wanting to think about #money with each other. This program can help guide you to have many of these money conversations with each other, show you your options for handling both your day-to-day finances together and various pre-marriage and post-marriage assets, and share many commonly-overlooked aspects of your financial lives you should consider changing and optimizing while you’re married. It can be exciting to dive in and share and learn together with the person you love, so I encourage you to take this time to enjoy the opportunity to engage and learn with each other!
Learn more about the Money and Marriage program here and schedule a free intro call with Sarah to discuss how it’s a fit for you and your partner!
A bonus image of my husband and I on our wedding day <3